Posted by: sunnyharvy | August 13, 2012


It rained all morning and into the afternoon. Since that was not conducive to sightseeing, we decided to put a few miles on and headed to Terra Nova National Park. Along the way we did stop at the Cape Bona Vista Lighthouse where there were a lot more puffins, but since it was raining I was unable to get any photographs. We also went out to lunch at the Seaview Café, where the waitress addressed us both as “my love,” and shopped at the local grocery store where fresh produce was less than abundant.

We arrived at Terra Nova and checked in for what we hope will be a relaxing three-night stay.

Since I did not take any photos today (a first!), I will share a few extras here that were taken on previous days.

Steady rain and cool in morning, some fog, spotty sunshine and warm in the afternoon. 112 miles


  1. The last five days’ posts (8/9 through 8/13) all came through today, Aug.14…what a spectacular region you are touring! Love, love, love it!!!

    • Yes, that will occur since I don’t always have internet access to upload my posts and photos. The further from civilization we venture, the more difficult it is to find WiFi. 🙂

  2. I’m loving it, too! Makes me want to get even more rustic with my lifestyle. Places where you have to eeek out a living make for lots of peace and quiet, right? I’m also figuring that my garden couldn’t get any worse than it is — at least up there, I’d have an excuse. Much love to you both.

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